What Are My Noninvasive Treatment Options for Preserving My Uterus?

It’s no secret that uterine fibroids can cause a plethora of unwanted symptoms, but you don’t have to resort to a hysterectomy to find relief.
Here at Fresno Fibroid Center, our expert team offers a variety of noninvasive treatment options in Fresno, California.
Here are four noninvasive treatment options that preserve your uterus:
Watchful waiting
If you have fibroids but they aren’t causing any symptoms, you might not need to take any other action other than watchful waiting. Watchful waiting refers to a close monitoring of your fibroids.
If they start to cause symptoms, your Fresno Fibroid Center provider may help you explore other potential treatment options.
MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS)
MRgFUS is a noninvasive technique that uses high-frequency ultrasound waves to target and destroy uterine fibroids. This outpatient procedure is guided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for precise and targeted treatment without any incisions.
Although the treatment itself can take up to four hours, MRgFUS offers a relatively quick recovery since it doesn't involve incisions or hospitalization.
Endometrial ablation
Endometrial ablation is a noninvasive procedure that involves removing or destroying your uterine lining. This can be a suitable option if you experience abnormal bleeding or heavy menstrual periods, and it’s intended to treat submucosal fibroids.
It’s typically performed on an outpatient basis and offers a shorter recovery time compared to traditional hysterectomy. No incisions are needed. Instead, small tools are inserted through your cervix. Once in place, energy 一 such as cold temperature or high-frequency radio frequency waves 一 ablate your lining.
Lifestyle changes
Certain lifestyle changes can be beneficial in managing uterine fibroids. While regular exercise won’t eliminate current fibroids, it can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of future fibroid development.
Adopting a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and 100% whole grains gives your body the essential nutrients that support your reproductive health.
Additionally, stress (and even squelched anger) can contribute to fibroid development, so managing stress through relaxation techniques (and not casting your feelings aside) through meditation or yoga can positively impact hormonal balance, and potentially mitigate the growth of fibroids.
Are noninvasive treatments right for you?
Noninvasive treatments provide many benefits. They typically have shorter recovery times, don’t require any incisions, and they can preserve your uterus.
But if your symptoms are severe or can’t be alleviated with noninvasive treatments, you’re not out of options. The Fresno Fibroid Center also offers minimally invasive treatments and even surgical treatments that preserve your uterus.
Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive option for addressing uterine fibroids without sacrificing your uterus. During UFE, your provider makes a small incision 一 either into the femoral artery in your upper thigh or in the radial artery in your left wrist 一 to access your fibroid. Some surgeries, such as a myomectomy, remove your fibroid but not your uterus.
Which type of treatment you need depends on several factors, including the type of fibroid you have, the severity of your symptoms, and your personal preferences.
To explore your uterus-preserving fibroid treatment options, use our online booking tool to schedule your consultation today. You can also reach our Fresno, California, office at 559-216-0746.
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