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An In-Depth Look at the Different Types of Fibroids

An In-Depth Look at the Different Types of Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are a common health issue that affects many women during their reproductive years. These noncancerous growths in the uterus can cause a range of symptoms, including heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and discomfort. 

Our team at Fresno Fibroid Center are experts at treating fibroids, but the first step is to confirm what type of fibroids you have and identify their location and size. Our team reviews all of this information with you during your comprehensive exam. 

Let’s take an in-depth look at the different types of fibroids.  

Intramural fibroids

Intramural fibroids grow within the muscular wall of your uterus. 

They don’t always cause noticeable symptoms, but as they grow, you may experience heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, low back pain, and increased pressure on your bladder or rectum. They’re often detected in women in their 30s and 40s but can develop at any age.

Intramural fibroids can contribute to infertility. If these fibroids block your fallopian tubes, they can cause issues conceiving. Large fibroids can also make it hard for an embryo to implant in your uterus. 

Subserosal fibroids

Subserosal fibroids develop on the outside surface of your uterus. Because they aren’t located inside of your uterus, they don’t impact the functionality of your uterus or reproductive cycle as much as the intramural fibroids do. Instead, these fibroids can impact neighboring organs, such as your bladder. You might notice abdominal swelling, more frequent urination, low back pain, constipation, inability to empty your bladder completely, and pain during sex. 

Submucosal fibroids

Submucosal fibroids emerge just beneath your uterine lining called the endometrium. They cause:

Because these fibroids can cause complications from heavy bleeding (e.g., anemia and fatigue), reducing blood loss is one of the main treatment goals. Other treatment goals include pain relief and improving fertility.

Pedunculated fibroids

Pedunculated fibroids can grow on the inside or outside of the uterus. They’re connected by a stalk or "peduncle." These fibroids might cause pain or discomfort when they twist on their stalk. 

Cervical fibroids

Cervical fibroids are found in or on your cervix, which is the lower part (or neck) of the uterus. Symptoms can include pain during intercourse and increased menstrual bleeding. 

Degenerating fibroids

Fibroids can undergo a process called degeneration, during which they outgrow their blood supply, causing pain and inflammation. As the fibroid loses its blood supply, you might develop stabbing pain, a fever, and abdominal swelling.

Red degeneration 一 a rare type of degeneration 一 occurs when the fibroid's blood vessels rupture. Immediate medical attention is crucial in such cases, and treatment may involve pain relief, rest, or surgery.

Calcified fibroids

After a fibroid degenerates, it can calcify. This means it turns into hard, noncancerous masses. These fibroids typically don't cause symptoms and often don't require treatment unless they lead to complications. They can sometimes cause vaginal bleeding between periods, pain, increased miscarriage risk, and back pain.

Can you have multiple types of fibroids at once?

Yes you may develop multiple fibroids of different types simultaneously. The treatment approach for multiple fibroids depends on their size, location, and impact on your health. 

Explore your options today

Here in Fresno, California, our team of experts works with you to find the right fibroid treatment to address your symptomsVarious treatment options are available 一 including both surgical interventions like myomectomy and nonsurgical, minimally invasive interventions, such as uterine fibroid embolization (UFE).

If you suspect you have fibroids or are experiencing symptoms associated with them,  click here to schedule an appointment. Our team can provide a personalized evaluation and guide you toward the most appropriate treatment options. 

You can also call 559-216-0746 to speak with our friendly staff.

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